DRAKON CORVINE of the Raven Clan (page 1)

D r a k o n   C o r v i n e

Beware Truth Sayer; I WILL find you out!
32 years past, my parents; Killian Corvine and Lokai Krawa left the Raven Clan of Lach Mmurd, in an effort to establish another branch in the little village of West Branch. Just 3 months later, while giving life to me, Lokai mysteriously died. The other 4 members of different branches of the Raven Clan never made it to West Branch. Later, it was discovered that they had met up with a Maligant and his minions, along the way.
Killian devoted his time to raising me. Teaching me to be a Smith, as he was a Master Smith. I studied hard, and learned well. My free time, I spent running about the woods with my friend, Brork Smyke; A bright and highly skilled young fighter, even at 15!
There is more to this story! Simply follow the Raven! THIS WAY!

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